Prophet Stephen Bening: Prophecy-Prophet-Prophetic-Ministry

The Internet Ministry of Prophet Stephen L. Bening and Prophetess Mary Bening


"How can any man be a true prophet, sent from God, if he travels a circuit, pulpit to pulpit, bringing prophetic messages, but he does not inform them that Jesus is coming to destroy these very churches that he is speaking to, which have played the harlot? How can anything he has to say have any importance if he is ignorant of that revelation?"


  • Here in late 2024, we have had the first double judgement: the Biden stolen election and Covid 19. Neither distinguished between Christians and Non-Christians. God says there is a worse event coming soon and this one WILL distinguish. Furthermore, God says that planet Earth is entering the Era Of His Wrath on April 17, 2022, and it will not be over quickly. Asuredly, you need to be IN CHRIST! Religious pretending will not fool God. Your service unto God must be REAL in order to escape what is coming upon the Earth.

  • God sent me forth to prophesy in 1991, after the order of Jeremiah. I knew that we were eventually going to see great trouble. Now, one by one, people are beginning to realize that we have a controversy with God. The only way out of this present sitation and the worsening situations that will follow will be a hard turn back to God. We live in a world that has spurned Him and the church is occupied with money games and cannot see.

  • The truth about what will happen differs so completely from what you have learned from churches, television, internet and study bibles. You need a prophetic RE-EDUCATION course. You must study the Revelation productively. Read this Apocalyptic Key as an introduction to the Revelation Puzzle Pieces series.

  • Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.

    There will be no successful prepping for this time of trouble without God---The only way to come to God is through Jesus Christ our Lord---To have refuge, you must have His manifested presence: His Glory...and He has conditions. God will gather His remnant together. You don't want to miss it!


    "Babylon the great has already fallen, but the people of Jesus Christ are so spiritually dull that they are unaware that they are inside of something that has already become a habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit."

    "The churches of America were described to me by Jesus, in 2005, as carcasses. The vultures that I saw in the vision, or the evil angels, were flocking to them. The true, remnant church lies near dead and lifeless within this great mind controlling whore."


    "Nothing crushes the human spirit like the sudden evaporation of a false hope"

    "Church in the 21st Century: a body turned into a business!"